Source code for mirdata.download_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""functions for downloading from the web

    RemoteFileMetadata (namedtuple): It specifies the metadata of the remote file to download.
        The metadata consists of `filename`, `url`, `checksum`, and `destination_dir`.

from collections import namedtuple
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import urllib
import tarfile
import zipfile

from mirdata.utils import md5

# destination dir should be a relative path to save the file/s, or None
RemoteFileMetadata = namedtuple(
    'RemoteFileMetadata', ['filename', 'url', 'checksum', 'destination_dir']

[docs]def downloader( save_dir, remotes=None, partial_download=None, info_message=None, force_overwrite=False, cleanup=True, ): """Download data to `save_dir` and optionally print a message. Args: save_dir (str): The directory to download the data remotes (dict or None): A dictionary of RemoteFileMetadata tuples of data in zip format. If None, there is no data to download partial_download (list or None): A list of keys to partially download the remote objects of the download dict. If None, all data is downloaded info_message (str or None): A string of info to print when this function is called. If None, no string is printed. force_overwrite (bool): If True, existing files are overwritten by the downloaded files. cleanup (bool): Whether to delete the zip/tar file after extracting. """ if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) if remotes is not None: if partial_download is not None: # check the keys in partial_download are in the download dict if not isinstance(partial_download, list) or any( [k not in remotes for k in partial_download] ): raise ValueError( 'partial_download must be a list which is a subset of {}'.format( remotes.keys() ) ) objs_to_download = partial_download else: objs_to_download = list(remotes.keys()) print("Starting to download {} to folder {}".format(objs_to_download, save_dir)) for k in objs_to_download: print("> downloading {}".format(k)) extension = os.path.splitext(remotes[k].filename)[-1] if '.zip' in extension: download_zip_file(remotes[k], save_dir, force_overwrite, cleanup) elif '.gz' in extension or '.tar' in extension: download_tar_file(remotes[k], save_dir, force_overwrite, cleanup) else: download_from_remote(remotes[k], save_dir, force_overwrite) if info_message is not None: print(info_message)
[docs]class DownloadProgressBar(tqdm): """Wrap `tqdm` to show download progress""" def update_to(self, b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None): if tsize is not None: = tsize self.update(b * bsize - self.n)
[docs]def download_from_remote(remote, save_dir, force_overwrite=False): """Download a remote dataset into path Fetch a dataset pointed by remote's url, save into path using remote's filename and ensure its integrity based on the MD5 Checksum of the downloaded file. Adapted from scikit-learn's sklearn.datasets.base._fetch_remote. Args: remote (RemoteFileMetadata): Named tuple containing remote dataset meta information: url, filename and checksum save_dir (str): Directory to save the file to. Usually `data_home` force_overwrite (bool): If True, overwrite existing file with the downloaded file. If False, does not overwrite, but checks that checksum is consistent. Returns: file_path (str): Full path of the created file. """ if remote.destination_dir is None: download_dir = save_dir else: download_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, remote.destination_dir) if not os.path.exists(download_dir): os.makedirs(download_dir) download_path = os.path.join(download_dir, remote.filename) if not os.path.exists(download_path) or force_overwrite: # If file doesn't exist or we want to overwrite, download it with DownloadProgressBar( unit='B', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, miniters=1 ) as t: try: urllib.request.urlretrieve( remote.url, filename=download_path, reporthook=t.update_to, data=None, ) except Exception as e: error_msg = """ mirdata failed to download the dataset from {}! Please try again in a few minutes. If this error persists, please raise an issue at, and tag it with 'broken-link'. """.format( remote.url ) print(error_msg) raise e checksum = md5(download_path) if remote.checksum != checksum: raise IOError( '{} has an MD5 checksum ({}) ' 'differing from expected ({}), ' 'file may be corrupted.'.format(download_path, checksum, remote.checksum) ) return download_path
[docs]def download_zip_file(zip_remote, save_dir, force_overwrite, cleanup=True): """Download and unzip a zip file. Args: zip_remote (RemoteFileMetadata): Object containing download information save_dir (str): Path to save downloaded file force_overwrite (bool): If True, overwrites existing files cleanup (bool): If True, remove zipfile after unziping. Default=False """ zip_download_path = download_from_remote(zip_remote, save_dir, force_overwrite) unzip(zip_download_path, cleanup=cleanup)
[docs]def unzip(zip_path, cleanup=True): """Unzip a zip file inside it's current directory. Args: zip_path (str): Path to zip file cleanup (bool): If True, remove zipfile after unzipping. Default=False """ zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') zfile.extractall(os.path.dirname(zip_path)) zfile.close() if cleanup: os.remove(zip_path)
[docs]def download_tar_file(tar_remote, save_dir, force_overwrite, cleanup=True): """Download and untar a tar file. Args: tar_remote (RemoteFileMetadata): Object containing download information save_dir (str): Path to save downloaded file force_overwrite (bool): If True, overwrites existing files cleanup (bool): If True, remove tarfile after untarring. Default=False """ tar_download_path = download_from_remote(tar_remote, save_dir, force_overwrite) untar(tar_download_path, cleanup=cleanup)
[docs]def untar(tar_path, cleanup=True): """Untar a tar file inside it's current directory. Args: tar_path (str): Path to tar file cleanup (bool): If True, remove tarfile after untarring. Default=False """ tfile =, 'r') tfile.extractall(os.path.dirname(tar_path)) tfile.close() if cleanup: os.remove(tar_path)