Source code for mirdata.tinysol

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""TinySOL Dataset Loader.

TinySOL is a dataset of 2913 samples, each containing a single musical note from one of 14
different instruments:

    Bass Tuba
    French Horn
    Trumpet in C
    Clarinet in B-flat
    Alto Saxophone

These sounds were originally recorded at Ircam in Paris (France) between 1996
and 1999, as part of a larger project named Studio On Line (SOL). Although SOL
contains many combinations of mutes and extended playing techniques, TinySOL
purely consists of sounds played in the so-called "ordinary" style, and in
absence of mute.

TinySOL can be used for education and research purposes. In particular, it can
be employed as a dataset for training and/or evaluating music information
retrieval (MIR) systems, for tasks such as instrument recognition or
fundamental frequency estimation. For this purpose, we provide an official 5-fold
split of TinySOL as a metadata attribute. This split has been carefully balanced
in terms of instrumentation, pitch range, and dynamics. For the sake of research
reproducibility, we encourage users of TinySOL to adopt this split and report
their results in terms of average performance across folds.

We encourage TinySOL users to subscribe to the Ircam Forum so that they can
have access to larger versions of SOL.

For more details, please visit:

import csv
import librosa
import logging
import os

from mirdata import download_utils
from mirdata import jams_utils
from mirdata import track
from mirdata import utils


    'audio': download_utils.RemoteFileMetadata(
    'annotations': download_utils.RemoteFileMetadata(

STRING_ROMAN_NUMERALS = {1: "I", 2: "II", 3: "III", 4: "IV"}

def _load_metadata(data_home):
    metadata_path = os.path.join(data_home, "annotation", "TinySOL_metadata.csv")

    if not os.path.exists(metadata_path):"Metadata file {} not found.".format(metadata_path))
        return None

    metadata_index = {}
    with open(metadata_path, "r") as fhandle:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(fhandle, delimiter=",")
        for row in csv_reader:
            key = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(row[0])[1])[0]
            metadata_index[key] = {
                "Fold": int(row[1]),
                "Family": row[2],
                "Instrument (abbr.)": row[3],
                "Instrument (in full)": row[4],
                "Technique (abbr.)": row[5],
                "Technique (in full)": row[6],
                "Pitch": row[7],
                "Pitch ID": int(row[8]),
                "Dynamics": row[9],
                "Dynamics ID": int(row[10]),
                "Instance ID": int(row[11]),
                "Resampled": (row[13] == "TRUE"),
            if len(row[12]) > 0:
                metadata_index[key]["String ID"] = int(float(row[12]))

    metadata_index["data_home"] = data_home

    return metadata_index

DATA = utils.LargeData("tinysol_index.json", _load_metadata)

[docs]class Track(track.Track): """tinysol Track class Args: track_id (str): track id of the track data_home (str): Local path where the dataset is stored. default=None If `None`, looks for the data in the default directory, `~/mir_datasets` Attributes: audio_path (str): path of the audio file dynamics (str): dynamics abbreviation. Ex: pp, mf, ff, etc. dynamics_id (int): pp=0, p=1, mf=2, f=3, ff=4 family (str): instrument family encoded by its English name instance_id (int): instance ID. Either equal to 0, 1, 2, or 3. instrument_abbr (str): instrument abbreviation instrument_full (str): instrument encoded by its English name is_resampled (bool): True if this sample was pitch-shifted from a neighbor; False if it was genuinely recorded. pitch (str): string containing English pitch class and octave number pitch_id (int): MIDI note index, where middle C ("C4") corresponds to 60 string_id (NoneType): string ID. By musical convention, the first string is the highest. On wind instruments, this is replaced by `None`. technique_abbr (str): playing technique abbreviation technique_full (str): playing technique encoded by its English name track_id (str): track id """ def __init__(self, track_id, data_home=None): if track_id not in DATA.index: raise ValueError("{} is not a valid track ID in TinySOL".format(track_id)) self.track_id = track_id if data_home is None: data_home = utils.get_default_dataset_path(DATASET_DIR) self._data_home = data_home self._track_paths = DATA.index[track_id] metadata = DATA.metadata(data_home) if metadata is not None and track_id in metadata: self._track_metadata = metadata[track_id] else: self._track_metadata = { "Family": None, "Instrument (abbr.)": None, "Instrument (in full)": None, "Technique (abbr.)": None, "Technique (in full)": None, "Pitch": None, "Pitch ID": None, "Dynamics": None, "Dynamics ID": None, "Instance ID": None, "String ID": None, "Resampled": None, } self.audio_path = os.path.join( self._data_home, "audio", self._track_paths["audio"][0] ) = self._track_metadata["Family"] self.instrument_abbr = self._track_metadata["Instrument (abbr.)"] self.instrument_full = self._track_metadata["Instrument (in full)"] self.technique_abbr = self._track_metadata["Technique (abbr.)"] self.technique_full = self._track_metadata["Technique (in full)"] self.pitch = self._track_metadata["Pitch"] self.pitch_id = self._track_metadata["Pitch ID"] self.dynamics = self._track_metadata["Dynamics"] self.dynamics_id = self._track_metadata["Dynamics ID"] self.instance_id = self._track_metadata["Instance ID"] if "String ID" in self._track_metadata: self.string_id = self._track_metadata["String ID"] else: self.string_id = None self.is_resampled = self._track_metadata["Resampled"] @property def audio(self): """(np.ndarray, float): audio signal, sample rate""" return load_audio(self.audio_path)
[docs] def to_jams(self): """Jams: the track's data in jams format""" return jams_utils.jams_converter( audio_path=self.audio_path, metadata=self._track_metadata )
[docs]def load_audio(audio_path): """Load a TinySOL audio file. Args: audio_path (str): path to audio file Returns: y (np.ndarray): the mono audio signal sr (float): The sample rate of the audio file """ if not os.path.exists(audio_path): raise IOError("audio_path {} does not exist".format(audio_path)) return librosa.load(audio_path, sr=None, mono=True)
[docs]def download( data_home=None, partial_download=None, force_overwrite=False, cleanup=True ): """Download TinySOL. Args: data_home (str): Local path where the dataset is stored. If `None`, looks for the data in the default directory, `~/mir_datasets` force_overwrite (bool): Whether to overwrite the existing downloaded data partial_download (list): List indicating what to partially download. The list can include any of: * `'annotations'` the annotation files * `'audio'` the audio files If `None`, all data is downloaded. cleanup (bool): Whether to delete the zip/tar file after extracting. """ if data_home is None: data_home = utils.get_default_dataset_path(DATASET_DIR) download_utils.downloader( data_home, remotes=REMOTES, partial_download=partial_download, info_message=None, force_overwrite=force_overwrite, cleanup=cleanup, )
[docs]def track_ids(): """Return track ids Returns: (list): A list of track ids """ return list(DATA.index.keys())
[docs]def validate(data_home=None, silence=False): """Validate if the stored dataset is a valid version Args: data_home (str): Local path where the dataset is stored. If `None`, looks for the data in the default directory, `~/mir_datasets` Returns: missing_files (list): List of file paths that are in the dataset index but missing locally invalid_checksums (list): List of file paths that file exists in the dataset index but has a different checksum compare to the reference checksum """ if data_home is None: data_home = utils.get_default_dataset_path(DATASET_DIR) missing_files, invalid_checksums = utils.validator( DATA.index, os.path.join(data_home, "audio"), silence=silence ) return missing_files, invalid_checksums
[docs]def load(data_home=None): """Load TinySOL Args: data_home (str): Local path where TinySOL is stored. If `None`, looks for the data in the default directory, `~/mir_datasets` Returns: (dict): {`track_id`: track data} """ if data_home is None: data_home = utils.get_default_dataset_path(DATASET_DIR) tinysol_data = {} for key in DATA.index.keys(): tinysol_data[key] = Track(key, data_home=data_home) return tinysol_data
[docs]def cite(): """Print the reference""" cite_data = """ =========== MLA =========== Cella, Carmine Emanuele, et al., "OrchideaSOL: A dataset of extended instrumental techniques for computer-aided orchestration". Under review, 2020. ========== Bibtex ========== @inproceedings{cella2020preprint, author={Cella, Carmine Emanuele and Ghisi, Daniele and Lostanlen, Vincent and Lévy, Fabien and Fineberg, Joshua and Maresz, Yan}, title={{OrchideaSOL}: {A} dataset of extended instrumental techniques for computer-aided orchestration}, bootktitle={Under review}, year={2020}} """ print(cite_data)