Source code for mirdata.datasets.queen

"""Queen Dataset Loader

.. admonition:: Dataset Info
    :class: dropdown

    Queen Dataset includes chord, key, and segmentation
    annotations for 51 Queen songs. Details can be found in and

    The CDs used in this dataset are:
    Queen: Greatest Hits I, Parlophone, 0777 7 8950424
    Queen: Greatest Hits II, Parlophone, CDP 7979712
    Queen: Greatest Hits III, Parlophone, 7243 52389421

    In the progress of labelling the chords, C4DM researchers used the following literature to verify their judgements:

    Queen, Greatest Hits I, International Music Publications Ltd, London, ISBN 0-571-52828-7

    Queen, Greatest Hits II, Queen Music Ltd./EMI Music Publishing (Barnes Music Engraving), ISBN 0-86175-465-4

    We'd like to thank our student annotators:

    Eric Gyingy
    Diako Rasoul
    Felix Stiller
    Helena du Toit
    Vinh Ton
    Chuks Chiejine

import csv
import os
from typing import Tuple, TextIO, Optional, BinaryIO

import librosa
import numpy as np

from mirdata import download_utils, annotations, io, core, jams_utils

BIBTEX = """@inproceedings{mauch2009beatles,
    title={OMRAS2 metadata project 2009},
    author={Mauch, Matthias and Cannam, Chris and Davies, Matthew and Dixon, Simon and Harte,
    Christopher and Kolozali, Sefki and Tidhar, Dan and Sandler, Mark},
    booktitle={12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference},
    series = {ISMIR}
    "Unfortunately we couldn't find the license information for Queen dataset."
    "annotations": download_utils.RemoteFileMetadata(
        filename="Queen Annotations.tar.gz",

        Unfortunately the audio files of Queen dataset are not available
        for download. If you have Queen dataset, place the contents into
        a folder called Queen with the following structure:
            > Queen/
                > annotations/
                > audio/
        and copy Queen folder to {}

[docs]class Track(core.Track): """Queen track class Args: track_id (str): track id of the track Attributes: audio_path (str): track audio path chords_path (str): chord annotation path keys_path (str): key annotation path sections_path (str): sections annotation path title (str): title of the track track_id (str): track id Cached Properties: chords (ChordData): human-labeled chord annotations key (KeyData): local key annotations sections (SectionData): section annotations """ def __init__( self, track_id, data_home, dataset_name, index, metadata, ): super().__init__( track_id, data_home, dataset_name, index, metadata, ) self.chords_path = self.get_path("chords") self.keys_path = self.get_path("keys") self.sections_path = self.get_path("sections") self.audio_path = self.get_path("audio") self.title = os.path.basename(self.sections_path).split(".")[0] @core.cached_property def chords(self) -> Optional[annotations.ChordData]: return load_chords(self.chords_path) @core.cached_property def key(self) -> Optional[annotations.KeyData]: return load_key(self.keys_path) @core.cached_property def sections(self) -> Optional[annotations.SectionData]: return load_sections(self.sections_path) @property def audio(self) -> Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, float]]: """The track's audio Returns: * np.ndarray - audio signal * float - sample rate """ return load_audio(self.audio_path)
[docs] def to_jams(self): """the track's data in jams format Returns: jams.JAMS: return track data in jam format """ return jams_utils.jams_converter( audio_path=self.audio_path, section_data=[(self.sections, None)], chord_data=[(self.chords, None)], key_data=[(self.key, None)], metadata={"artist": "Queen", "title": self.title}, )
[docs]@io.coerce_to_bytes_io def load_audio(fhandle: BinaryIO) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]: """Load a Queen audio file. Args: fhandle (str): path to an audio file Returns: * np.ndarray - the mono audio signal * float - The sample rate of the audio file """ return librosa.load(fhandle, sr=44100, mono=True)
[docs]@io.coerce_to_string_io def load_chords(fhandle: TextIO) -> annotations.ChordData: """Load Queen format chord data from a file Args: fhandle (str or file-like): path or file-like object pointing to a chord file Returns: (ChordData): loaded chord data """ start_times, end_times, chords = [], [], [] reader = csv.reader(fhandle, delimiter="\t") for line in reader: start_times.append(float(line[0])) end_times.append(float(line[1])) chords.append(line[2]) return annotations.ChordData(np.array([start_times, end_times]).T, chords)
[docs]@io.coerce_to_string_io def load_key(fhandle: TextIO) -> annotations.KeyData: """Load Queen format key data from a file Args: fhandle (str or file-like): path or file-like object pointing to a key file Returns: (KeyData): loaded key data """ start_times, end_times, keys = [], [], [] reader = csv.reader(fhandle, delimiter="\t") for line in reader: if line[2] == "Key": start_times.append(float(line[0])) end_times.append(float(line[1])) keys.append(line[3]) return annotations.KeyData(np.array([start_times, end_times]).T, keys)
[docs]@io.coerce_to_string_io def load_sections(fhandle: TextIO) -> annotations.SectionData: """Load Queen format section data from a file Args: fhandle (str or file-like): path or file-like object pointing to a section file Returns: (SectionData): loaded section data """ start_times, end_times, sections = [], [], [] reader = csv.reader(fhandle, delimiter="\t") for line in reader: start_times.append(float(line[0])) end_times.append(float(line[1])) sections.append(line[3]) return annotations.SectionData(np.array([start_times, end_times]).T, sections)
[docs]@core.docstring_inherit(core.Dataset) class Dataset(core.Dataset): """ Queen dataset """ def __init__(self, data_home=None): super().__init__( data_home, name="queen", track_class=Track, bibtex=BIBTEX, remotes=REMOTES, download_info=DOWNLOAD_INFO, license_info=LICENSE_INFO, )
[docs] @core.copy_docs(load_audio) def load_audio(self, *args, **kwargs): return load_audio(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @core.copy_docs(load_key) def load_key(self, *args, **kwargs): return load_key(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @core.copy_docs(load_chords) def load_chords(self, *args, **kwargs): return load_chords(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @core.copy_docs(load_sections) def load_sections(self, *args, **kwargs): return load_sections(*args, **kwargs)